Introduction to Gestalt Language Processing (GLP)- Explaining Echolalia

Parent: “Say goodbye”
Child: “Say goodbye”
Parent: [face palm]

Ever heard of echolalia? Have you been told to ignore it? That it doesn’t make any sense? Well, it’s time for echolalia to get a rebrand. There’s a more complete way to understand echolalia- it’s called Gestalt Language Processing (GLP). GLP is not a new idea, but in recent years it has really been brought to light. GLP has stages of development similar to how “typical” language development progresses. Learning about GLP has resonated with many parents and has increased their understanding of their children better, and how they communicate. In this talk, we will go over the basics of the development stages, how to identify a gestalt/script, and how to support people who process language in this way. It’s gonna be fun!

Jordyn grew up in Maple Grove, Minnesota before moving to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she earned her Bachelors & Masters Degrees in Speech-Language Pathology from Calvin University. After working in the schools in Michigan for a few years, she moved to the Bay Area mid-pandemic just for fun and a change of pace. She found the private practice clinic to be a great space to work with children with a variety of communication needs as well as engaging with and supporting parents. She has a specific passion for working with students with autism spectrum disorder, gestalt language processing, and those with complex communication needs using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) (they often blend together). She also has interests in early childhood language development, fluency, articulation and phonology disorders, receptive/expressive language disorders, literacy, and executive functioning (she just loves being an SLP). Jordyn lives in Oakland with her two cats, and in her free time, she enjoys listening to podcasts, photography, reading, baking and exploring the East Bay one coffee shop at a time.

Parent Ed:
Join us at the Stanley Library
April 11, 2023 at 7pm
for Introduction to Gestalt Language Processing (GLP)- Explaining Echolalia
Also streaming on Zoom!

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Apr 11 2023

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Stanley Middle School Library
3455 School St.



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Child's Play Therapy Services
Child's Play Therapy Services
(925) 954-4546
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